JP-DRS GMO JP Domain Registration Service

Information Update

Organizational .jp (, etc.)

  • How do I update registrant information of organizational type .jp domain names?
    To update domain registrant's "company name" or "registered company address", documentation is required. Please send us new information and a company document called "Rirekijiko Zenbushoumeisho" in Japanese. The information change history must be written in the document. The document must have been issued within the last three months to be accepted.
  • How do I update administrative contact information of organizational type .jp domain names?
    Administrative contact information of organizational type .jp domain name can not be updated via the domain name control panel. If you would like to update information of an administrative contact or if you would like to replace an administrative contact with a new person, please submit a request form by e-mail. Please note that an administrative contact must be choosen from the registrant company and a real person's name is required.
  • How do I update technical contact information of organizational type .jp domain names?
    Technical contact information of organizational type .jp domain name can not be updated via the domain name control panel. If you would like to update information of a technical contact or if you would like to replace a technical contact with a new person, please submit a request form by e-mail. A real person's name is required, however, anyone can be a technical contact and the address does not have to be in Japan.
  • How do I update billing contact information of organizational type .jp domain names?
    Billing contact information of organizational type .jp domain name can not be updated via the domain name control panel. If you would like to update information of a billing contact or if you would like to replace a billing contact with a new person, please submit a request form by e-mail. A real person's name is not essential and the address does not have to be in Japan.