JP-DRS GMO JP Domain Registration Service


Renew (manually)

  • How do I submit a renewal request?
    Please log into your account and follow the instructions below.

    1) Click the "Renew Domain" button in the "Manage Domains" tab.
    2) Click the "Advanced Search" button.
    3) Enter domain names in the search box and click "Search" button.
    You may enter up to 100 domain names at a time.
    4) Select the check boxes of all the domains that you would like to renew. You may select all the boxes shown on the screen by clicking just one box on the top that you see on the left of "Domain Name".
    5) Select renewal period and click the "Next" button at the bottom.
    6) Check whether all the domain names are correct, read the policies, click the check box next to "Submit the order" and press the "Submit" button to complete your order.

  • My customer's domain has already been renewed in our account, however, it turned out that the customer doesn't want to renew it. Can I cancel the renewal order?
    No, we are afraid that once created orders are non-cancellable.