JP-DRS GMO JP Domain Registration Service


How to Approve

  • I'd like to approve transfer out request. How do I approve it?
    If you would like to approve transferring out any domain names that are managed in your account, it is necessary for you to approve them by yourself. Please follow the instructions below and make sure to take required actions in time.

    1: We send you an e-mail to let you know about a transfer request, if we receive a transfer-out request for a domain name that is managed in your account.
     A) Subject of the e-mail is [IMPORTANT! Transfer-OUT Confirmation (domain name)].
     B) The e-mail will be sent from [[email protected]].
     C) It will be sent to the e-mail address that you requested us to use for transfer confirmation.
    2: Check the e-mail and click the URL in the e-mail.
    3: Click the Approve button.
    4: Press the [Confirm] button to complete the confirmation process on the confirmation page.

    Please note you must process it within 168 hours (7 days) from the time stamp  of the confirmation email. If you DO NOT take required actions by the deadline, the transfer request will automatically be DISAPPROVED by our system.